Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sick, sick, sick!

We are all sick here! It's horrible!

Sunday, I came down with the stomach flu--and ended up in the ER getting IV fluids that night...had to have 2 bags of them. I was so dehydrated that I was having chest pains--my heart rate was between 130-140. I felt awful. So, after 4 hours in the ER, I came home...feeling somewhat better. Monday, DH stayed home from work to watch Lucy--to minimize her exposure to all this...

Tuesday, DH came home from work with it! ARGH! I was hoping that this wouldn't happen. But, it did. So he is home today. But, other than being sore, he seems to be on the mend.

At midnight last night, Lucy woke up coughing. She has the croup again! I had to drive to Wal-Mart to get a new filter for the humidifier...and once she coughed up all the gunk in her throat, she quickly fell back asleep.

So, we are all laying around today--I'm the most motivated of the group--I am the only one not in my pajamas! LOL

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