Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Oh, the ICE!

The weather here has been NASTY this week! We have had tons of ice. It was 73 here on Sunday and 36 Monday...with ice and flurries. *sigh* The ice is melting today and it sounds like the roof is going to cave in. As the ice melts, you can hear it break on the roof and slide down. If you watch, you can see a sheet of ice fall apart and hit the ground.

I took a picture of the tree to the right of our front door. Neither DH nor I know if the thing will make it. It has lost so many limbs.... I have some other pics too. I am posting some other limbs that are down and some of the backyard.

We have lost the power here many times in the last two days....about 6 hours total. My IL's are still without power and may not get it back until Friday. We may have a full house tonight if everyone comes to stay until they get their power back!

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