Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Waiting...always waiting!

I ordered a package of sewing supplies online on January 17th. I only ordered 4 items and 2 of them were the same thing. Well, a week went by and I started calling the place...their customer service is only from 7am to 12pm, Monday-Thursday. Of course, I called on a I leave a message.

They called me on the 27th to let me know that they FINALLY mailed my package. They had to wait on an order of their own to come in before they could mail mine. Now, why wouldn't they have called me to let me know that--heck, send me an email...anything! How frustrating.

Oh, and the package isn't here yet. Hopefully it will be tomorrow!!! I will never order from that company again! It's about 4 hours north of here...I could have went up and shopped in person for the time that it's taken to order it off the internet!

Friday, January 18, 2008


Yesterday, we had Lucy's transitional meeting with the therapy people...the meeting that decides what will happen after she turns 3 and no longer receives therapy...

She will most likely start Pre-K in the fall and need no further therapy. She will receive some informal checks from time to time to make sure that she doesn't fall through the cracks...

But, while in this meeting, I was offered TWO jobs! TWO! One is to be a parent liason with the therapy people, the other a teacher's aide in the Pre-K that Lucy will be at! *Yikes!* How crazy is that? Offered two jobs when not even looking! I am really drawn to the parent liason is a day and a half a week...which would be rather easy...I just need to find someone that I trust (and can afford) to watch Lucy for that time.

If you read this, please pray that I find the sitter that I need and that doors continue to open for me to start this job. I feel like the Lord's hand was in this because Lucy's SSI runs out soon and although all our bills will be covered, we will still be a little short of meeting our other needs. This job starting and losing the SSI are happening at the same time...I see the Lord working here. If this is what He is providing, pray that I receive clarity in watching Lucy.

Thanks everyone! I'll let you know what unfolds!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Yay for Lucy!

Guess what? We are officially on the "potty train"! Lucy used her potty chair for the first time today! WOOHOO!

Scary huh?

(Totally what everyone wanted to read tonight--right?? LOL)

Lucy's appointment at Cardinal Glennon....

We went to Cardinal Glennon yesterday to meet with the feeding team...and guess what??? She has gained 1/2 lb since OCTOBER--and they were happy with that! They are releasing her from the feeding team...with instructions to work on her biting and chewing (weak frontal bite) with the therapist. We are done with monthly trips to see the feeding team!

Blessings all around!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pictures of our house...

I never got around to posting pictures of the house we moved here are a few shots!

Front of House

Side of house with Garage

Back of House


Updates on Us...

Since it has been such a long time since I last blogged, I will just give a current update on us! LOL

Lucy is doing well...we are still dealing with eating issues that are frustrating to say the least! She has trouble with her frontal bite--which means she doesn't have enough strength to bite off food--she tends to just tear it off. Also, she stops eating before she gets full...and so she is hungry quite often. We have been seeing a feeding team at Cardinal Glennon at least once a month to see how she is doing. They are not happy with the fact that she has not gained any weight to speak of since last March or so. She is our 23.9 lb string bean! LOL She receives speech therapy once a week to work with her on this. The feeding team has put her on an eating schedule--what times and for what length of time she is allowed to eat. If she isn't done in that time frame--it doesn't matter, the food goes! It has been a challenge...but we are going to get this figured out.

Next week, we have a transition meeting with the therapist, the local school district and someone else (can't remember who) to talk about Lucy aging out of therapy--and to discuss what kind of help she can get after 3 years old (if we still need it--Lord willing we won't!).

Lucy also just got over a round of the croup--first time ever! It is a scary thing to hear your child gasp for breath! ACK! We had her in the emergency room at 6:30 Friday morning. They put her on steroids and antibiotic and cough medicine. We had to wean her off the steroids, but even doing that she had withdrawal. It was crazy--she woke screaming at night and had horrible night sweats! Don't want to do that anytime soon again!

Other than that--I think life is pretty normal!

Check back sometime for an update--hopefully before the end of the month--LOL!!!!

Oh, before I go--a picture!

My new blog...

Why, you may ask, do I need a new blog? Well, it's this simple. I don't really like my MySpace account...and I add to my blogspot blog more often than the other--which says a lot! LOL So, I am beginning this blog to add things that happen outside of my crafting life--which is still in existance!