Friday, January 18, 2008


Yesterday, we had Lucy's transitional meeting with the therapy people...the meeting that decides what will happen after she turns 3 and no longer receives therapy...

She will most likely start Pre-K in the fall and need no further therapy. She will receive some informal checks from time to time to make sure that she doesn't fall through the cracks...

But, while in this meeting, I was offered TWO jobs! TWO! One is to be a parent liason with the therapy people, the other a teacher's aide in the Pre-K that Lucy will be at! *Yikes!* How crazy is that? Offered two jobs when not even looking! I am really drawn to the parent liason is a day and a half a week...which would be rather easy...I just need to find someone that I trust (and can afford) to watch Lucy for that time.

If you read this, please pray that I find the sitter that I need and that doors continue to open for me to start this job. I feel like the Lord's hand was in this because Lucy's SSI runs out soon and although all our bills will be covered, we will still be a little short of meeting our other needs. This job starting and losing the SSI are happening at the same time...I see the Lord working here. If this is what He is providing, pray that I receive clarity in watching Lucy.

Thanks everyone! I'll let you know what unfolds!

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